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Rabobank, preventative project management with IBIS4Projects

15 November 2017

Rabobank, preventative project management with IBIS4Projects

Preventative project management with the use of IBIS4Projects

The construction of Rabobank Nederland’s new data centre in Boxtel has been realised so quickly that Piet van Schijndel, a member of Rabobank Nederland’s board of directors, called it “the miracle of Boxtel” at the grand opening. To clarify, no supernatural powers were involved in the development of this project. Instead, all involved parties collaborated with unprecedented efficiency. This streamlined collaboration was facilitated largely by IBIS4Projects.


The miracle of Boxtel

“Without IBIS4Projects, the ‘miracle of Boxtel’ would not have come to pass,” says Jan de Graaf, construction director for the data centre in Boxtel. “The development of such a major complex is not all that difficult in and of itself, but the ability to supply all 700 to 800 people involved in the project with the right information at the right time has definitely been a decisive factor for the project’s success.”

BAM Utiliteitsbouw completed the new data centre for Rabobank Nederland in Boxtel just fourteen months after the first pile was driven into the ground. The project consisted of a two-storey IT complex surrounded by four energy buildings and a 4,250 m2 office building. This complex, which joins an existing data centre in Best, is one of the most energy-efficient data centres in the world. It features a variety of green solutions, including residual heat, thermal energy storage and a remarkable installation concept. The facility’s roof slopes down seamlessly into the environment. “Based on prior experience with a solution for information and workflow management that is available anywhere and at any time, I required all involved parties to work with IBIS4Projects,” de Graaf continues. “That decision saved both time and money during this project.”

Project management with IBIS4Projects

Because Rabobank required all parties to share and manage all project documentation via IBIS4Projects, the organisation invested in a user training provided by Ibis. The parties involved were Architectenbureau Van Aken, Adviesbureau Tielemans, BAM Utiliteitsbouw and BAM Techniek, Deerns, HvL, Imtech and Wolter & Dros. “An important advantage of IBIS4Projects is the fact that this solution is available to all authorised users at any time as a web service. IBIS4Projects not only streamlines the communication of information, it also prevents costly mistakes and misunderstandings caused by the use of dated or not approved drawings or other documents. Finally, it is easier to manage any changes, so discussions about the scope of the work proceed without a hitch. We liked working with IBIS4Projects so much that we have made its use mandatory during the development of an expansion of the power facilities of our data centre in Best.”

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